
National Intern Day Spotlight: Career Tips from Walker Sands’ Former Interns

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Did you know that one in four Walker Sands employees started as an intern?

Our internship program plays a vital role in our agency workplace, where interns are integrated as true team members and gain hands-on experience doing meaningful work for leading B2B brands. 

To celebrate National Intern Day, we hosted a panel-style Q&A featuring five former Walker Sands interns who have transitioned into full-time roles at the agency. From an EVP of PR to a senior copywriting specialist, our intern alumni shared insights into their career journeys and the lessons they learned during their internships that continue to influence their work today. The panelists also offered thoughtful advice for current and future interns and marketers.

Applying Internship Lessons to Your Full-Time Career

We kicked off the panel by asking our panelists to share their career journey at Walker Sands, from their internship to their current role. 

Annie Gudorf, EVP of PR, has been with the agency for more than 10 years since starting as a PR intern. “I’ve had a lot of different opportunities and an interesting career path, one that’s continued to bring new and exciting opportunities for me,” she said when reflecting on her career trajectory. 

Ann Hagner, our EVP of Services, who began as a graphic design intern, added, “My intern experience felt like a full-time role and shaped how I learned to engage and add value at Walker Sands.”

Next, we asked our panelists about the key lessons they learned from their internships that they still apply to their work today. Ann explained, “I try to fill gaps at work and that is something I did as an intern and still do today. My advice: No matter what role you’re in, don’t focus on emulating the contributions of those around you. Instead, identify the skills that others bring to the table and what you uniquely bring to the table.” 

Media Relations Manager Alyssa Velez, who started as a PR intern, shared her biggest takeaway: “The most important lesson I learned from my internship was to speak up and ask questions. Even though I’m more of an expert now, I still have a million questions, and I’m not afraid to ask them.”

Transitioning From Intern to Full-Time Team Member

Even though we integrate our interns into our teams and treat them like full-time employees, the transition from intern to full-time can feel intimidating. 

Daniel Gerardi, a PR manager who interned with us the summer of 2021, shared what he learned when making the transition from Walker Sands intern to full-time team member. “After you finish your internship and transition to your new role, it’s important to remember that you’ve proven yourself and your teams trust you. Keep that in mind and don’t be afraid to try new things and be as proactive as you can. Just know that everyone has your back.” 

Mimi Taylor, a senior copywriting specialist who interned in 2022, added, “I would say extend that trust to yourself, too. Everyone else trusts you. You’re here, you got the job.”

Continuous learning is a key value at Walker Sands and something we focus on at all stages of  our team members’ careers. Looking beyond the initial intern to full-time transition, we asked our panelists how they continue to learn and grow in their current roles. 

Annie shared what she prioritizes, “I cannot say it enough: Read the news. I don’t care what your job is. Read the news. You need to know what is going on in our clients’ industries. Reading the news is going to make you so much more informed and make it a lot easier to network and know what questions to ask.” 

Alyssa weighed in as well, saying, “Just stepping out of your comfort zone and asking to try new things is how I continue to grow, and how I would encourage everyone else to grow because even if it’s a little scary it’s definitely helpful.” 

Key Advice For Current and Future Interns

Throughout the panel, our intern alumni offered advice to current and future interns on how to get the most value out of their internship experience. Mimi shared, “My encouragement for interns is that you have a lot more power than you think. You have a new, fresh perspective. The fact that you have no context or history isn’t a disadvantage – it’s an asset. Notice everything around you. How do people answer questions? What are the processes? Those lessons will be valuable throughout your entire career.” 

Ann also shared a key piece of advice: “As an intern, if you’re ready for more and are capable of more, say so to get ahead of that conversation with your manager. If you’re sitting and waiting and thinking no one’s asked me to this thing yet, flip it and take ownership and say, ‘I want to go do this thing.’”

Lastly, we asked our panelists to look back at what they wished they had known during their internship that would have helped them early in their careers. Alyssa shared, “I think not only in my internship but even in the early days and years of my career, I just waited too long to speak up. I mean that in terms of sharing my ideas, asking questions, poking holes in things and sharing my perspective. You’re going to have really good questions and ideas, and asking and sharing them is only going to help you get more information.”

Interested in joining the Walker Sands team and becoming a part of our supportive workplace culture? From internships to full-time roles, check out our current open positions and apply today! 


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