Your website is often the first – and sometimes only – place a potential customer learns about your business. That means it can have a huge positive or negative impact on how prospects view your brand and services, and as a result, how likely they are to become a lead.
Though most modern marketers know how important their company’s web presence is today, many wait to make major changes because of budget or time constraints, resulting in many lost opportunities to drive conversions. If your website isn’t generating a significant share of your sales-qualified leads, it’s time for you to think about redesigning it.
As director of digital marketing at Walker Sands, I’ve seen plenty of amazing companies with websites that just aren’t hitting the mark. And unfortunately in this market, the best solution is not guaranteed – or likely – to win without the best website. Problems with websites are generally the result of bad copy, design, quality or user experience. Today’s prospective customers are doing more research and are tech savvier than ever. If they feel like something is off with your website or it’s not clearly catering to their interests, they’re likely to leave your site.
When you start a website redesign, every aspect should be designed to optimize conversion rates. Though each redesign is different, there are a few tactics we use with every client to ensure their new website will start driving more leads:
- Strong, compelling content. Websites should constantly be adding engaging, optimized content. We help clients create copy that compels users to explore websites and ultimately download resources, subscribe to newsletters and fill out forms.
- Clean, easy-to-follow design. Websites should be intuitive and easy to navigate. It’s important to keep design simple and uncluttered so you don’t detract from the most important information on each page.
- Calls to action. Lead generating web pages need to have clear, visible calls to action that take away any doubt a prospect might have about what to do next, and give prospects an opportunity to redirect to a demo or contact page. If you aren’t direct about what you’d like a visitor to do, they likely won’t stay on your site for very long – and won’t convert.
- Search engine optimization. The first step to getting a lead is making sure the right people are finding your website. A solid SEO strategy uses keywords, strong content and linking between pages to help people find your site – and stay there.

If your website isn’t checking the boxes on each of these tactics or isn’t performing the way you’d like it to, a redesign is a logical next step that will help amplify your brand and take your company to the next level.
Redesigning a website can be a lengthy and challenging process, but you don’t have to do it alone. Connect with us to discuss how Walker Sands can help optimize your lead generation strategy.