
4 Sessions We’re Looking Forward to at HR Technology Conference 2024

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With over 300 speakers, 500 exhibitors and 7,600 HR professionals in attendance, the HR Technology Conference is one of the top HR conferences in the world. It’s also the go-to event for the HR tech industry, offering unparalleled opportunities for learning, networking and staying ahead of trends in a rapidly changing industry. 

The conference provides HR practitioners with invaluable educational opportunities and the chance to network with HR leaders and professionals who are facing many of the same technology-related challenges.  Just as importantly, HR Tech offers forward-thinking insights into emerging trends and their potential industry impact. For HR technology companies, it serves as a powerful platform to engage with customers, prospects, industry analysts and influencers, helping them stand out in a crowded vendor marketplace.

With 175+ sessions on the agenda for the 2024 conference, choosing which ones to attend can be overwhelming, especially when balancing networking, exploring the exhibitor hall, and maximizing the overall conference experience. Here are the sessions we’re most excited to attend when we head to Vegas for HR Tech next month.

Josh Bersin’s Keynote, An Essential Change Driven By AI

As one of the most influential HR tech analysts today, Josh Bersin’s keynote is always a must-attend event, kicking off the first day of conference sessions. His keynote promises a forward-looking perspective on the year ahead for the HR tech industry, so it’s no surprise that this year’s focus will be on AI. 

Josh will delve into how AI technology is transforming HR tech products, disciplines and paradigms. He’ll also discuss how organizations can stay ahead of the curve and thrive in the new era of generative AI. This session will be one you do not want to miss and is sure to set the tone for an exciting conference.

Top 10 HR Challenges That Are NOT GenAI

As expected, this year’s HR Tech agenda is dominated by sessions focused on generative AI’s impact on HR as well as the HR tech space. But AI isn’t the only challenge that HR professionals are currently facing. Critical topics like employee engagement, the labor market and ongoing hiring challenges, hybrid and remote work policies, employment legislation and more continue to shape the HR landscape. 

In this session, Forester analysts Betsy Summers and Katy Tynan will explore these and other pressing issues impacting the HR industry, providing insights into how they affect both employees and employers. We’re eager to hear their perspectives, which will undoubtedly help us better understand the challenges our clients and their customers will be up against in the coming months and how they will shape marketing strategies.

The Skills-Powered Organization: How to Design and Activate the Enterprise for the “Next “of Work

This keynote session from Ravin Jesuthasan, the global leader of Mercer’s Transformation Services business, will focus on the shift toward skills-powered organizations and the HR architecture required to support this transformation. 

The pivot from jobs to skills is a workplace trend I’ve been following closely for the past few years and find particularly fascinating. With the world and workplace changing rapidly thanks to generative AI and other macro trends, focusing on skills in hiring, training and more could help organizations stay ahead. 

However, the concept is difficult to execute in practice because many organizations still heavily rely on “old-school” organizational charts to segment their business operations. I’m excited to hear from Ravin on what a skills-powered organization looks like in practice and how the HR function can be reimagined to not only make this concept work but excel. 

Welcome to the Age of Co-Pilots: The Business Performance Erosion Crisis

Did you know that employee productivity has been steadily declining for the last 44 years? Or that more than 50% of employees are not engaged? Even as someone plugged into the HR tech market, these stats are pretty shocking.

Adam Binnie, chief innovation officer at Visier, and Ross Kennedy, global vice president of Digital Natives, Microsoft, are leading this session to address these critical HR concerns — from AI’s role in tackling this productivity crisis to how HR can step in to help. Both Adam and Ross work at organizations that are at the forefront of generative AI innovation, and their session will help HR professionals understand the power of genAI, its impact on organizations and the crucial role HR can play in leading the AI transformation. While HR may not be the first department that comes to mind when considering who should lead AI transformation, they could be uniquely positioned to do so.

These are just some of the sessions we’re excited about for the upcoming HR Tech Conference. We look forward to connecting and learning from other HR leaders, and we’re eager to bring back valuable insights to share with our teams. See you in Vegas!

Heading to the HR Tech Conference this September? We’re hosting a happy hour to connect with fellow attendees and would love for you to join us. Get in touch with our team for more details and to RSVP.


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