
A B2B Blog Post About B2B Blogs: 7 Questions Marketers Struggle to Answer

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Given the amount of content available about how to develop an effective B2B blog, you would expect that most businesses are well on their way to executing a successful blog program by now.

Spoiler alert: They’re not.

The simple truth is that knowing how to write a blog post and knowing how to develop a program that aligns with business objectives, drives web traffic, and establishes your brand as a thought leader are two entirely different undertakings. 

Too often, marketing managers and content leaders are left to freestyle their way through the strategy side of blog creation, completely lacking the insights, infrastructure and personnel it takes to create a successful B2B blog program. It’s a recipe for disaster — and burnout. 

To help alleviate the pressure, we’ve assembled a list of B2B blog questions you’re probably already hearing from senior leaders in your organization. Unpacking these questions can help you understand the scope of the problem and point you toward a roadmap for transforming your B2B blog from a hot mess to a highly effective marketing tool for your business. 

1. Why do we have a B2B blog?

For many C-suite executives, committing resources to a B2B blog program is far from a no-brainer. They likely harbor fears that your blog will get lost in the sea of content out there and fail to move the needle on the organization’s goals. 

I won’t lie to you — there are plenty of examples of B2B blogs that fall into this category. But there are also plenty of examples of B2B blogs that serve as brand cornerstones, offering the actionable insights your audience is hungry for. 

Don’t underestimate the value of being perceived as a thought leader in your industry. By providing timely commentary on industry trends, you can remain top of mind with current and future buyers. Additionally, many B2B industry circles are smaller than you think, which makes an optimized B2B blog one of your most valuable tools for connecting with buyers.

2. Who reads our blog? Are we even reaching our target audiences?

The fastest way to tank your blog program is to ignore performance metrics. Without an understanding of page views, social shares, click-through rates, and other metrics, you won’t know if your blog is engaging the right audience, which makes it virtually impossible to optimize your content strategy over the long haul.

True visibility requires a strategic blend of social analytics and content management tools. It also requires the expertise to interpret these insights and leverage them for continuous optimization. This means not only understanding the data but also applying it effectively to refine strategies, enhance engagement, and drive measurable results. By integrating these elements, your business can stay ahead of trends, make informed decisions, and maximize your impact in today’s constantly evolving digital landscape.

3. What’s our promotion strategy for the blog program?

Promotion is intrinsically linked to content strategy. How are long-form blog assets being utilized across various platforms and social channels? The challenge lies in the potential isolation of the social and content teams. The content team may create blogs without considering how the social team can leverage them, while the social team might develop strategies that overlook the value of content contributions. This disconnect is a missed opportunity.

Consider which social platforms your target audiences frequent the most, and establish a consistent publishing cadence that readers want to tune into. Also, consider the versatility of older, evergreen content. This content can be repurposed and repackaged for a variety of purposes, providing a solid foundation for your online presence.

4. How are we balancing content strategy, SEO, and thought leadership in our blog program?

In the era of generative AI, many emerging B2B blogs fall into the trap of relying on generic insights and excessive keyword stuffing. While an effective SEO strategy is crucial for driving traffic and visibility, it should never come at the expense of delivering quality thought leadership. High-caliber content that offers unique perspectives and valuable insights engages readers and builds trust. Simply focusing on SEO without substantive content undermines the blog’s potential to establish authority and foster meaningful connections with the audience.

On the other hand, some content leaders neglect SEO altogether, only to be surprised when their traffic remains stagnant. An optimized B2B blog program has to strike the right balance between strategic SEO practices and thought leadership. This balance is essential and should align with the organization’s larger goals. A well-rounded approach ensures that the blog not only attracts visitors through search engines but also retains and converts them through compelling, insightful content. By integrating both elements effectively, you can achieve sustained growth and a strong online presence.

5. Why didn’t you feature (INSERT THOUGHT LEADER) in this blog?

A major consequence of insufficient buy-in from leadership is difficulty securing time with key stakeholders in your organization. These stakeholders are often too occupied to join calls, provide feedback, or review content for accuracy.  

Without the involvement of leadership and key team members, the quality and relevance of content can suffer. Stakeholders often have unique insights and expertise that can enhance the depth and credibility of the material. Their feedback is essential for ensuring that content aligns with organizational goals and accurately reflects the company’s voice and message. 

So, fostering leadership buy-in is critical for creating high-quality, impactful content that resonates with the intended audience and drives business objectives. Encouraging a culture of collaboration and emphasizing the importance of their contributions can help secure the necessary support and involvement from key stakeholders.

6. Why are the structure, length, and tone of our blogs so inconsistent?

Inconsistency is the silent killer of B2B blog programs. And it’s usually due to the lack of a unifying editorial vision. In this scenario, writers work in isolation, using their own unique formatting, tone, and structure. This siloed approach results in a collection of disjointed content pieces that lack cohesion and fail to engage in a unified conversation with each other or the brand.

The goal is for each blog to feel like a cohesive part of a larger narrative. As readers scroll through your blog page, they should notice recurring themes, consistent visuals, and a distinct tone. Achieving this doesn’t happen by accident—it requires a deep understanding of your visual style and brand voice. Additionally, it’s essential for every writer involved in the program to fully embrace and adhere to these guidelines. This ensures that each piece of content contributes to a unified, engaging experience that reinforces your brand identity.

7. How does this blog connect to our overall marketing and business goals?

Delivering a visually and tonally consistent blog program is only part of the equation; it must also align with your overall marketing interests. To achieve this, start by working backward from your end goals when crafting blog content. If the primary objective is to drive traffic to product landing pages, prioritize a robust SEO and backlinking strategy. This involves selecting strategic keywords, creating valuable content that attracts external links, and optimizing posts for search engines.

Conversely, if the goal is to build a stronger brand community, focus on a well-researched distribution plan that reaches audience members on their preferred platforms. This could include sharing content on social media, engaging in relevant online discussions, and leveraging email marketing to keep your community informed and engaged. Connecting your blog program to specific KPIs, such as traffic growth, engagement rates, or conversion metrics, will help measure its impact and adjust your strategy for maximum ROI. By aligning content with broader marketing goals, you can ensure that your blog effectively supports your business objectives while maintaining consistency.

There’s value in your B2B blog program. The Walker Sands Content team is here to help

Hopefully, the above advice provides a starting point for helping you get your B2B blog on track. But let’s be honest, it’s impossible to have all the answers on your own. And even if you do, you may lack the time or resources to quickly turn your ideas into action.

To rejuvenate your blog program, you’ll need the expertise of seasoned brand journalists with the ability to go beyond producing generic content. You need writers who approach each piece strategically, with your goals and preferences in mind, helping you craft a unique narrative that engages audiences and establishes you as an industry thought leader.

Walker Sands’ Content team is ready for the challenge. With years of experience across a range of B2B industries, we’re the perfect fit for any marketing leader looking to revamp their blog program. Contact us today to learn how our content offerings can help you achieve your marketing goals.


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