
Money 20/20: 4 Sessions We’re Looking Forward To

Kiley Ribordy headshot

If you’re reading this post, you already know that Money20/20 is the biggest financial industry event of the year. With more than 13,000 attendees and 360 speakers, it brings together some of the biggest names in financial services to discuss the future of the industry.

This year’s theme is centered around Human x Machine. Generative AI, real-time payments and embedded payments are no longer emerging technologies, they’re here and ready for use. Like many industries, these new technologies are already shaping the financial services landscape. The Money20/20 2024 agenda reflects that reality.

Here are a few sessions I’m most excited to attend next month:

Anthropic’s Keynote on Trusted Generative AI in Finance: Unleashing Anthropic’s Claude Power

I’d be remiss not to mention the Monday night keynote from Anthropic’s president, Daniela Amodei. After all, you can’t talk about Human x Machine without talking about generative AI, and you can’t talk about generative AI without talking about Anthropic. 

Amodei’s keynote will talk about real-world use cases for generative AI in navigating the hype and pitfalls around the technology. She’ll detail how financial institutions can embrace AI to remain competitive, understand regulatory implications, leverage investments and much more. This keynote is a must for finance professionals looking to harness the power of AI.

Next-Gen Fraud Prevention for the Age of Faster Money Movement

As real-time payments, open banking and advanced payment technologies become more prevalent, so do opportunities for fraud. Programs like FedNow are racing to make payment processes faster, opening up cash flow and increasing transparency of funds. While most financial institutions are starting with accepting real-time payments, there will come a time when they have to get comfortable with sending them, too.

This session will explore why getting ahead of fraud now is imperative. As real-time payments become the norm, sophisticated fraud detection and prevention becomes a top priority.

Fintech Truths & A Lie

“Buzzwords, trends, and assumptions—let’s separate hype from reality.” This session caught my eye because in the B2B world, it’s easy to get swept up in the flashiest trends. Remember when Bitcoin was the only thing people talked about?

I’m excited to hear about which fintech trends (e.g., AI, machine learning, DeFi and open banking) are real advancements in the space and which ones just have great PR.

AI + Trust = Personalized Commerce Experiences

While many are excited about AI’s promise, there is still a fair amount of confusion and apprehension. While asking ChatGPT to write a bedtime story for your niece is fun and entertaining (speaking from personal experience), the technology is still an ambiguous black box for most of us.

In this session, Fortune’s Luisa Beltran and PayPal’s Frank Keller will dive into how companies can strike a balance between earning customer trust and using AI to create personalized shopping experiences — the future of commerce. 

While these are just some of the top sessions I’m looking forward to, there’s never a wrong choice when it comes to which Money20/20 sessions you decide to attend. Can’t wait to see you at the show!

Heading to Money20/20 in October? Get in touch with our team to set up time with Kiley to discuss your marketing and branding needs.


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